Professionally Managed by:

illow Creek I is a 204 unit condominium community with a large population of Owner occupied units as well as many investor owner units available for lease.
We are pleased to have completed an extensive renovation of Willow Creek I.
The renovation substantially increased property values and lease rates for investors, bringing it more in line with its desirable location in South Tulsa. The average home sales price has doubled, and in some case tripled, over the last 4 years. Some of the projects include roof replacement, exterior paint, stairway repair, security lighting, renumbering parking spaces, new mail center, landscape and signage, tree removal and trimming and extensive balcony repair and replacement.
- Extensive roof replacement
- Replacing all wood rot
- Complete exterior paint
- Stairway repair
- Exterior lighting and security lighting
- Asphalt driveways and parking
- Renumbering parking spaces
- New mail center
- New pool pergola and wrought iron fencing
- Landscape and signage
- Repair and replacement of walkways
- Addressing drainage and water flow
- Substantial tree removal and trimming
- Extensive balcony repair and replacement

Located in Jenks School District
- Neighborhood Under Renovation
- Just Minutes From Gathering Place
- Near St Francis Hospital and Warren Clinic
- Warren Place office complex and the new Shops at Warren Place
- King’s Point shopping area
- La Fortune Park golf course
- Case Tennis Center
- This area is one of the highest employment centers in Tulsa.
e have 204 units in Willow Creek I